Jun 14, 2009

Boys Town

Boys town is an orphanage and was founded in 1951 which hosts a home for boys who have no families to return to or to support them. Boys town is a town of boys who has a president and adults around to keep an eye and help them. On Friday, our class as well as another class visited Boys Town. We had met a boy who was 9 years old, who had been there for about one month. The ages of the boys range from about 9 years to 21 years of age. The boys get schooling while they stay in Boys Town. We had also met the mayor of Boys Town, which change every two months. He was 17 years of age and had been in Boys Town for two years.

The town was very nice filled with buildings, a church, kitchen, trees, and art that the boys have done recently and in previous years. Boys Town is a wonderful place where boys who have little or no support from their parents and/or family can earn an education, gain leadership roles, grow up and live and meet others who are in similar situations as they are in. The boys we had met seemed extremely happy to be able to have the opportunity to live in Boys Town and begin the process to one day be on their own.

*For more information on Boys and Girls Town please visit the following site:


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